Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Snail Mail!

When I was in the third grade we had this assignment to pick out a couple from a book of missionaries and use their address to begin a pen pal. It would teach us to write and to correspond but most of all learn about other cultures. I think mine was in Japan or China but I honestly can't remember which. I do remember every time I opened the mailbox and saw that long envelope with the airmail stamp and blue, white, and red boarder I got so excited and couldn't wait to read what the my friends had written me. We talked about what I was learning and how I would always have adventures at the public library. Side note, I still love the library and wish I lived closer to my favorite one downtown because it's just a place that I feel home.

Some Pixar and Harry Potter Stamps to make that mailbox
delivery extra special.
I get overjoyed every time I open the mailbox and there is a card for me. So yes my birthday week is my favorite week with the trickling of letters coming in to wish me happy birthday and the handwritten notes and memories. Nowadays I find myself as the writer to friends, not as a pen pal but just as something special to do.

I was a wardrobe manager for the majority of the time in college and really loved writing letters to my cast and fellow crew members for opening night because let me tell you that there is something absolutely magical about opening a show on a Friday night after a long tech week and hearing the audience come to a hush as lights went down and the music began. Well that's another post for another time. The whole thing is I still write those friends every opening and just encourage them and let them know how much I can't wait to come see their show.

The stack of letters to take with me to see opening night of
Mary Poppins on April 11th!
I spent last evening writing notes to my friends for April 11th. I always love the canvas that is a blank card. The fact that you can just create happiness with paper and ink. I'm excited this time around because instead of waiting around on the mail and a secret deliverer friend, I am actually attending an opening night. So I'll get to drop them off and make sure I get them there in time. It's also super amazing of my friends to deliver them for me in lieu of my absence on opening nights. I love delivering letters at stations but I even love stamps and mailing even more.

It is becoming difficult to mail everyone in my life but, SOLUTION: I just send out a massive message on facebook from time to time and get a complied list of addresses. From time to time I'll just look at the list and write someone. I like to try and be creative with my letters and design. I think I'm addicted to stamps. You can buy fun ones online if your Post Office like mine only has the boring forever stamps. Well this post seems a little scatter brained but basically I'm just encouraging you to drop a letter instead of sending a facebook message from time to time. It's just so satisfying. Do it!

Until next time, blessings to you all.

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